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Florida Has Never Been Hotter! SWFL Set To Break All-Time Tourism Records Set In 2019

The broken records and positive statistics keep on coming for Florida. But this statistic is especially good. After a record year in 2019 of tourists visiting the SWFL region, the tourism records are already on pace to completely dominate in 2021.

Statistics that speak volumes to the increase in tourism are specifically the bed tax collection and SWFL International Airport predictions. This year, the tourist development council revealed a 46% increase in bed tax collection in April alone compared to April of 2019. The Southwest FL International Airport also expects to see a 60 to 90 percent increase in passengers between June and August. It can only be assumed that they are coming to visit, spend money and help invigorate the local economy.

Whether it be tourists or newly minted residents, from flights to hotels to restaurants to retail, people are spending money in the region. Beaches are packed, roads are packed and there remains an excitement around SWFL that has pushed way past its well-known seasonal period.

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