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How To: Professionally Brand Your Social Media

How To: Brand your Social Media as a CRE Professional.

For many professionals, really delving into the use of social media as a marketing tool can be unfamiliar, challenging and even frightening. What many fail to realize is that it can be done completely free of cost and can impact your leads more importantly then some paid avenues can. In this article, we will provide some short and simple steps to immediately improve your branding across all of your social media pages.

  1. Update all of your information to reflect you currently

Everyone knows how annoying it can be when sourcing any information to find it to be outdated or simply missing. This standard greatly applies to social media. The first simple step to immediately improve your accounts is to make sure all of your information is up to date. Whether it be your contact info, current position or city you’re working in, the more accurate information you can provide, the better chances someone will remain engaged with your profile.

  1. Add co-workers/colleagues

After you have updated all of your information on an accurate basis, the next usual step is to connect with anyone you know. On many different websites/apps you will have the option to add, follow or even friend anyone you are familiar with. Doing this will build a network that will follow any of your updates or any content that you share.

  1. Share/Recognize content weekly/daily

Once you have updated all your information, researched all facets of your profile you can reflect publicly and added anyone you may know, the next simple step is to start getting your page more active. As a CRE professional, you can share your listings, real estate news or even just things that personally interest you.

  1. Rinse & Repeat and have fun!

The most important step is to make sure that you follow these steps as need be. Always stay vigilant on updating any personal information to make sure nothing gets outdated. Continue to add any people you know that may join the app/website. Continue to find unique articles/videos or even make your own. And most importantly, have fun with it! Although it may be professional, there’s nothing wrong with showing off your personality or personal interests. In fact, it will only attract more people to see what’s happening on your profile!

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