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Naples Winter Wine Festival Is Back: Twenty-Twenty Twogether


Twenty-Twenty Twogether

 Be sure to keep the weekend off January 28-30th free if you plan on attending Naples 22nd Annual Winter Wine Festival. Vintners, sommeliers, and chefs alike will be converging from 7 different countries to feature their wine, food, and auction items with proceeds being donated towards The Naples Children & Education Foundation (NCEF).

NCEF are the founders of the Naples Winter Wine Festival which was created to help support and improve the physical, emotional, and educational lives of underprivileged and at-risk children in Collier County. From the time of establishment, NCEF has raised approximately $220 million for children in need.

Ticket packages for this exclusive 3-day event start at $15,000 for the Double Magnum package that includes 2 invitations to the Meet the Kids Day Tour & Luncheon, 2 Reserved Seats at a Vintner Dinner with Private Car and Driver, 2 Reserved Seats at the Auction, 2 Invitations to the Wine Down, 2 Invitations to the Celebration Brunch, and 2 Invitations to the Check Presentation Ceremony.

The Jeroboam package includes 4 invitations to the Meet the Kids Day Tour & Luncheon, 4 Reserved Seats at a Vintner Dinner with Private Car and Driver (all four guaranteed at the same dinner), 4 Reserved Seats at the Auction, 4 Invitations to the Wine Down, 4 Invitations to the Celebration Brunch, and 4 Invitations to the Check Presentation Ceremony for $35,000. Tickets can only be sold for the entire affair; it is not possible to buy tickets to individual events.

To read more about the event and the master sommeliers, vintners, and celebrity chefs who will be attending head over to

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