TCG Cares: United Way Of Collier And The Keys Adds New Board Members
In exciting news, The United Way of Collier and the Keys has added three new directors to its board as well as retained members in executive positions. Kathy Connelly of Naples Botanical Gardens was announced as Chair-Elect. Nancy Limb of Bank of America rejoined the board as treasurer. Steve Sanderson, the CEO of United Way of Collier, will also continue to serve as the board’s secretary.
The three new members are Ross Dickmann of Moorings Park, Todd Lyon of the NCH Healthcare System and Jessica Tressler of Fifth Third Bank. All new members will serve three-year terms. TCG is proud to be a partner of United Way. United Way advances the pursuit of common good in communities. With focus on education, income and health, United Way focuses on building better quality of life all over the world.
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